U.S. stock futures fall as Trump won't rule out recession marketwatch.com 27 points by hjjkjhkj 11 hours ago
thegrim33 10 hours ago Could someone look into the OP account? They're a new account that has never written a comment and every day just posts multiple political stories.
lqstuart 8 hours ago This appears to be a bot or some kind of malicious actor that contributes nothing but political propaganda
harambae 10 hours ago The Nikkei 225 is actually up, so I’ll wait and see what really happens at open. atlgator 10 hours ago It may have something to do with headlines suggesting investors are trading USD for Yen.
atlgator 10 hours ago It may have something to do with headlines suggesting investors are trading USD for Yen.
duxup 11 hours ago I don’t think Trumps predictions have anything to do with it ;) MattGaiser 10 hours ago His actions have a tremendous amount to do with it though. duxup an hour ago I agree. defrost 10 hours ago What is the proper technical name of those roadside whacky waving inflatable arm flailing orange tube men that set national tariffs?
MattGaiser 10 hours ago His actions have a tremendous amount to do with it though. duxup an hour ago I agree. defrost 10 hours ago What is the proper technical name of those roadside whacky waving inflatable arm flailing orange tube men that set national tariffs?
defrost 10 hours ago What is the proper technical name of those roadside whacky waving inflatable arm flailing orange tube men that set national tariffs?
blackeyeblitzar 10 hours ago A temporary recession would be great news for managing the national debt (helps bond market).
suraci 10 hours ago The wisest choice for Trump is to swiftly trigger a stock market crash, thereby placing all the blame on the Biden admin and taking credit for any subsequent recovery
oldpersonintx 10 hours ago for decades we have prioritized market gains over jobsHN constantly derides the "number goes up" mentalityso, Trump is in agreementhe is saying he will prioritize jobs over "number goes up" kccoder 9 hours ago Trump will prioritize his own personal gain over jobs, numbers going up, ... He is incapable of caring about anything else.
kccoder 9 hours ago Trump will prioritize his own personal gain over jobs, numbers going up, ... He is incapable of caring about anything else.
Could someone look into the OP account? They're a new account that has never written a comment and every day just posts multiple political stories.
This appears to be a bot or some kind of malicious actor that contributes nothing but political propaganda
The Nikkei 225 is actually up, so I’ll wait and see what really happens at open.
It may have something to do with headlines suggesting investors are trading USD for Yen.
I don’t think Trumps predictions have anything to do with it ;)
His actions have a tremendous amount to do with it though.
I agree.
What is the proper technical name of those roadside whacky waving inflatable arm flailing orange tube men that set national tariffs?
A temporary recession would be great news for managing the national debt (helps bond market).
The wisest choice for Trump is to swiftly trigger a stock market crash, thereby placing all the blame on the Biden admin and taking credit for any subsequent recovery
for decades we have prioritized market gains over jobs
HN constantly derides the "number goes up" mentality
so, Trump is in agreement
he is saying he will prioritize jobs over "number goes up"
Trump will prioritize his own personal gain over jobs, numbers going up, ... He is incapable of caring about anything else.