AngryData 5 hours ago

Ive left reddit permenantly after I thunk 16 years because I caught a ban for repeating a Luigi slogan. Probably for the best, I should of left long ago and it is a mere shadow of its former usefulness and entertainment.

billy99k 6 hours ago

because it is. Anyone who spends 5 minutes on Reddit knows this has become code for violence over the last few months.

  • unethical_ban 6 hours ago

    If threats of violence against immoral or illegal systems becomes widespread and has to be censored, the system may be the problem, not the people.

  • Teever 6 hours ago

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Reddit is full of violent content that the admins and moderators overlook.

    /r/combatfootage and /r/ukrainerussiareport/ are full people cracking jokes about violent deaths and advocating for violence.

    It is telling that only certain kinds of violent content are banned.