taylodl 10 hours ago

People complaining about the cost of eggs are getting scammed by $TRUMP Meme Coin. It's kinda funny, actually. Now they're going to have even less money with which to pay next month's groceries, gas, and pharmacy bills.

  • netsharc 10 hours ago

    It seems like Trump is on the verge of solving the world's energy problem, with the self-powered gaslight.

    I should write a browser extension that replaces instances of "Donald Trump" "with "Hawk Tuah"..

    "President Hawk Tuah did a rugpull"...

quantified 8 hours ago

His grifts may get clumsier as his cognition declines.

> while the influencer Ash Crypto groused, “Our industry is a fcking joke.”

Hasn't stopped anyone yet, has it?