duxup 10 hours ago

I'm that guy who works in node a lot, but really doesn't understand all the under the hood stuff.

When I hear about performance gains I always wonder in what scenario(s) would I maybe SEE these gains? Some of these performance stats seem a little distant to me.

  • leeoniya 9 hours ago

    > When I hear about performance gains I always wonder in what scenario(s) would I maybe SEE these gains?

    you typically notice these gains under load; if you have no load, you're not going to feel a 4x improvement between 4ms and 1ms, but you'll definitely feel it with 400ms vs 100ms.

    i'm writing an efficient CSV parser in JS, and it currently uses 50% less RAM and executes 50-70% faster under Bun vs Node. that's a massive improvement considering that we're comparing state-of-the-art V8 vs state-of-the-art JSC.