hoping1 6 hours ago

Extensive and patiently-paced, with many examples, and therefore unfortunately pretty long lol

btilly 4 hours ago

What is the upside down v supposed to be? Yeah, I know that it is "and". But it isn't specified, and I do little enough logic that I had to look it up.

  • hoping1 3 hours ago

    Fair, I think of this as advanced logic, and those concepts (and that notation) as prerequisite.

groby_b 5 hours ago

Alas, not having had the time to fully read yet, but starting at the "Axiom rule" part, a strong feeling starts popping up that this is Lean, but with mathy symbols.

I don't know if the intuition will hold on further reading, but there was a strong "I've seen you in a different trench coat" feeling.

  • rck 5 hours ago

    Yup! Lean is based on a variant of the Calculus of Constructions, which is in turn based on strong connections between (intuitionistic) natural deduction and type theory. The connection is incredibly beautiful:


    • hoping1 4 hours ago

      Ah heck, I should have added a section on PTSs, maybe I still will or maybe that will be standalone later. It really is gorgeous stuff!!