Zigurd 2 hours ago

It matters because of the deception, including self deception. This is the same thing: "At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth." Worse, really. He stopped listening to the people who do know more about manufacturing and made Cybertruck and told his experts to just make it work. And the same about going to Mars on a rocket that needs 15 refueling flights to get farther than LEO.

mindcrash 4 hours ago

If he cheated in Path of Exile that could mean that GGG could permban his account for breach of ToS (especially because he is publicly admitting he did).

Not sure about Blizzard, but since they added ranked to D4...

yladiz 5 hours ago

We get it, he’s a habitual liar, but there are more important issues related to Musk than his likely video game cheating that should be discussed in the news.