Show HN: I made a productivity app that saves more time than it takes
talknotes.techI created!
A voice powered to do list, notes, flashcards, transcript and more... Wake up in the morning and talk through your day, and have a list of tasks and events generated for you. Check them off throughout the day and track your progress.
Future Roadmap: - Adding google calendar integration - Build IOS and Android native app - Give some sort of free trial - Add other productivity app integrations like TickTick, IOS reminders, notion calendar....
Tech Stack; - NextJS - Typescript - Prisma - AuthJS - Resend - Zono - Stripe - Plausible
Let me know what you think! Psst: with the code 'FIRST' it's only $4 for the first month!
founder of Resend here.
this looks great!
Thank You :), Is this the real zeno rocha tho ??