JojoFatsani 4 hours ago

For “new to me” at least, I read a lot of rock documentaries, and I’ll go and Spotify all the various other musicians that get mentioned as contemporaries or influences of the bands I read about.

I have some friends in the local scene still who will refer me to local club shows and stuff.

I’ve had a hard time getting really passionate about any new-new acts for the past decade or so though, I blame my age/stage of life more than anything there.

mdaniel 4 hours ago

I enjoy soundcloud (and have a plus membership with them) but it for sure is a monster amount of play, skip, go to artist profile, play a few of their top tracks, repeat

I've had some good luck with surfing the IceCast directory in the sidebar of VLC but it often only helps discover music if they have their id3 tags configured correctly or that the dj is disciplined about doing track IDs

The BBC streams are great about both aspects if your interests are covered by one of their shows

judith0_0 4 hours ago

Usually check out the new singles or albums of the singers I follow. Some backgroud music of stores, shows, videos are also quite unique.

janalsncm 4 hours ago

Spotify, TikTok, and if I’m feeling adventurous there is a site that has a song similarity service.

johnneville 4 hours ago

I listen to NTS radio shows for music curated by a human and use youtube music for algorithmic discoveries

jkmcf 4 hours ago

Genre streams like Hirschmilch and SomaFM, and WherePostRockDwells on YouTube