neilv 4 days ago

In the Scheme programming language community, there's a convention of naming implementations using variations on the term "scheme".

So "Plot" is the ultimate name for a Scheme charting library.

  • fuzztester 4 days ago

    cool. didn't know that.

    in that case, I bet there is some implementation called scam, because a French person might pronounce scheme as scam, like femme is pronounced in the famous phrase "cherchez la femme".

    • dvqc 4 days ago

      Having an "e" pronounced "a" in french is very rare, I would also intuitively only expect it to happen when the "e" is followed by two consonants. A french person would likely mispronounce scheme either as "shem" or "skem", based on their familiarity with english. We have "Schéma" for "schematics", and we pronounce it "shem-a"

  • vram22 4 days ago

    Then what is the penultimate name?

ashton314 4 days ago

I love the Racket plot library! A neat feature: if you run the plot inside DrRacket, the plots are interactive. 2D plots can be panned and zoomed, and 3D plots can be rotated. That way, if you’ve got a plot that you want to fine-tune the boundaries of, DrRacket makes that easy.

LegitShady 4 days ago

I don't know why but I was expecting an actual cookbook.

  • SCUSKU 4 days ago

    I was expecting a book about how to commit racketeering

    • a3n 4 days ago

      And plotting to do it.

      • vram22 4 days ago

        Make sure to scheme well before committing to your plot, else you may not glean a lot ...

        (from it).